Welcome to the Continuing Studies Podcast, where we explore the intersection of higher education and podcasting, one inspiring story at a time.  Brought to you in part by the University Podcasters Network, this podcast delves into the uniqueness of university podcast production and podcast growth through the lens of seasoned podcasters across various higher education institutions.

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The Future of Podcast Apps: Insights from Sam Sethi on Podcasting 2.0

Sam Sethi shares Podcasting 2.0 advancements and their impact on higher education.In this episode of Continuing Studies, hosts Neil and Jen join Sam Sethi, CEO of True...

Fewer Live Panels and More Podcasts

The advantages of podcasting over traditional, in-person events.Neil and Jen join Joy Poliquin from the University of Victoria's Cooperative Education Program and Care...

Competition or Collaboration? Yale & Harvard Podcasting Together

How Yale and Harvard came together to create a podcast.Neil and Jen join guests Kristi Jobson and Miriam Ingber, Deans of Admissions at Harvard and Yale Law Schools an...

Podcasting 2.0 Explained: A Guide for Higher Ed Podcasters with James Cridland

The benefits and features of Podcasting 2.0 for higher education podcasters.In this episode of the Continuing Studies podcast, hosts Neil McPhedran and Jennifer-Lee we...

From Student To Practitioner To Instructor: Penn State's Podcast Ecosystem

Building partnership & keeping alumni engaged through podcasting.Katie DeFiore shares her journey from a passionate podcast listener to becoming a key player in the ed...

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